Social Work Sorted is a unique platform for New Social Workers, providing advice, guidance and Social Work Education with a difference.
"I love your account! I've just started my first job and your posts are so helpful!"
'I used one of the tools you showed us during the direct work masterclass and it was so good. It helped to start a very interesting conversation during the session - thank you!'
Hi, I’m Vicki.
I am a Social Worker, trainer and consultant and I started Social Work Sorted to provide support for Newly Qualified Social Workers.
As the platform has grown, I have been able to address the very real challenges that you face as a Newly Qualified Social Worker and I can help you face them.
From Instagram, to the podcast, to live masterclasses, I'm so happy to be able to finally share training sessions so you can access them when and where is best for you!
Starting out in Social Work is overwhelming and so many Newly Qualified Social Workers feel lost. My aim is to upskill social workers with the knowledge and tools you need to do your job and do it well, all whilst making sure you take care of yourself.
Learn. Grow. Reflect.
Develop your thinking.
Build your skills.
Time for you.